Thursday, August 21, 2014

Agenda -- September 9, 2014 Regular Meeting

Town of Candor
Regular Town Board Meeting
September 9, 2014

1.    6:00 PM -- Call to order
2.    .Review vouchers
3.    7:00 PM -- Opening Prayer & Pledge of Allegiance
4.    Privilege of the floor
5.    Review the minutes from the August 12 Regular meeting.
6.    Reports
·         Financial reports
·   Approve vouchers
·   Approve budget transfers
·   Supervisor’s report
·         Assessor’s Committee – Bill Strosahl & Matt Crowe
·         Buildings & Grounds Committee – Bill Strosahl & Matt Crowe
·   Update on Town Barn improvements
·         Code Enforcement Committee – Matt Crowe & Bill Strosahl
·   Code Enforcement Officer
·         Justice Committee – Matt Crowe & Joe Bish
·         Cemeteries Committee  – George Williams &  Joe Bish
·         Highway Committee – Joe Bish &  Bill Strosahl
·   Highway Superintendent’s report
·         Planning Board Committee –  George Williams & Matt Crowe
·         Dog Control & Kennel Committee – Joe Bish & George William
·         Farmer’s Market Committee – George Williams & Bob Riggs
7.    Old Business
·         Discuss the Town’s planned response to the recent Office of the State Comptroller audit.
8.    New Business
9.    Roundtable
10. Executive session, if necessary.
11. Adjournment

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