Tuesday, September 18, 2012

9-11-12 minutes

Candor Town Board Meeting
September 11, 2012 
101 Owego Road
Candor, NY 13743

The Regular meeting of the Candor Town Board was called to order at 6:30pm with review and approving of vouchers.  At 7:00pm the Board opened with Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

Present:  Supervisor Robert Riggs, Clm. George Williams, Clm. William Strosahl, Clm. Joseph Bish and Clm. Dan Lindsay.

Others Present:  Highway Superintendent Kevin Noble, Code Officer James Douglas, Attorney Reinaldo Valenzuela and Town Clerk Connie Kulze.

Guest:  15 People from the Public and 1 Press Representatives.

Privilege of the Floor:  Maureen and Sarah took the floor to talk about Project Renew which is a Crisis Counseling Program to help the Community come back after the flood.

Privilege of the Floor:  Sue Heavenrich addressed the Board regarding the Critical Environmental Area for the Village of Candor’s Water Wells where she would like the Board to consider protecting the entire aquifer.

Privilege of the Floor:  Roy Yarrington asked the Board permission for the Garden Club to purchase a tree and plaque to honor former Councilman Milton Dougherty which will be planted next to the Bicentennial tree.

M-79  Supervisor Riggs moved, seconded by Clm. Williams to authorize the Garden Club to purchase a tree and plaque in honor of Milton Dougherty not to exceed $400.  Vote:  Riggs-aye, Williams-aye, Strosahl-aye, Bish-aye and Lindsay-aye.

M-80  Supervisor Riggs moved, seconded by Clm. Bish to accept the minutes of August 14, 2012 Regular Meeting and the minutes of August 28, 2012 Special Meeting as presented.  Vote:  Riggs-aye, Williams-aye, Strosahl-aye, Bish-aye and Lindsay-aye.

Monthly Reports of the Supervisor, Town Clerk and Dog Control were presented to the Board and are filed with the Clerk.

Clm. Lindsay suggested to Supervisor Riggs that the Board get together at 6:00pm to review the bills instead of 6:30pm., Clm. Strosahl agreed.

M-81  Supervisor Riggs moved, seconded by Clm. Bish to transfer $70.01 from B3010.400 to B9055.800,  $2,400.00 from A1355.401 to A3510.400 and $23,500.00 from A1910.400 to A1620.200.  Vote:  Riggs-aye, Williams-aye, Strosahl-aye, Bish-aye and Lindsay-aye.

Committee Reports:

Assessor’s Committee- Clm. Strosahl spoke with Assessor Spaulding and was informed of five Small Claims hearings.  The State issued a new certified change in level of assessment, which changed the Exemption amount for the old eligible funds, veteran’s exemptions and the business exemptions.

Buildings & Grounds- Supervisor Riggs discussed janitorial services for the Town Barn.

M-82  Supervisor Riggs moved, seconded by Clm. Strosahl to have Mr. Stan White be the Janitor for the Town Barn.  Vote:  Riggs-aye, Williams-aye, Strosahl-aye, Bish-aye and Lindsay-aye.

Code Enforcement-  Code Officer Douglas informed the Board of still gathering information on the dam and past work completed.  He has contacted some contractors for referrals on painters for the Town Hall.  The new water fountain is installed at the Town Hall.  The kennel panels are in and will start installing them in October.

Highways & Highway Contract-  Clm. Bish reported they are in negotiation for the Highway Contract and will be having a meeting with an Insurance Representative at the Town Hall.  Clm. Bish reported the Stone & Oiling is completed.  Also discussed was extending the maintenance on Union Hill Road by 210 feet.

Superintendent Kevin Noble informed the Board of being contacted by a FEMA Representative with two questions.  Final Report from Tectonics regarding structure size; which was determined to be the best application.  Regarding Park Settlement Road the Town Board decided that Candor was not going to sponsor it.  Superintendent Noble submitted a report on fuel usage and shared services.

Equipment, Cemeteries & Cable TV-  Supervisor Riggs brought up the Time Warner Contract in which Attorney Valenzuela recommended some changes and suggested they be reviewed on a regular basis.  Supervisor Riggs also met with two representatives from Haefele regarding the Connect NY Broadband Grant Program to expand service in unserved regions of the State.

M-83  Supervisor Riggs moved, seconded by Clm. Williams to scrap Town Clerk’s Gateway Notebook Computer.  Vote:  Riggs-aye, Williams-aye, Strosahl-aye, Bish-aye and Lindsay-aye.

Clm. Williams brought to the Board’s attention of another tree down in Woodbridge Cemetery.  Clm. Williams has received two responses for taking down the trees.

M-84  Clm. Williams moved, seconded by Supervisor Riggs to hire Tony Barnhart to remove the trees in Woodbridge Cemetery for $1750.  Vote:  Riggs-aye, Williams-aye, Strosahl-aye, Bish-aye and Lindsay-aye.

M-85  Supervisor Riggs moved, seconded by Clm. Strosahl to have a Special Meeting September 25th, 2012 at 7:00pm to discuss 2013 Budget and Haefele Broadband.  Vote:  Riggs-aye, Williams-aye, Strosahl-aye, Bish-aye and Lindsay-aye.

Dog Control & Kennel-  Clm. Bish informed the Board that Code Officer Douglas will be demolishing the old dog kennel at the Town Barn and will be installing the new kennels in October.

New Business:

WHEREAS, Town Law Section 64 authorizes the Town Board to purchase land subject to a permissive referendum;
WHEREAS, the Town’s 2012 Adopted Budget appropriated $60,000 for the purchase of land;
WHEREAS, the Town has an interest in purchasing the parcel of land adjacent to the Town Hall;
WHEREAS, THAT PARCEL OF LAND AT 105 OWEGO Road (tax map number 61.00-1-53) is approximately 1.2 acres and is assessed at $32,300;
WHEREAS, the landowners, LaVerne and Dian Smith have agreed that for $30,000 they will sell that parcel and also grant the Town an easement 20 feet wide across their property at 97 Owego Road (tax map number 61.00-54-11) from Reservoir Road to the Town Hall property.
WHEREAS, Purchasing land is an “Action” to be reviewed under the State Environmental Quality Review Act and its implementing regulations found at 6 NYCCR Part 617 (hereinafter collectively referred to as SEQRA); and
WHEREAS, Purchase of land is an Unlisted action under 6 NYCCR 617.2
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby makes a determination that this purchase is an Unlisted action under 6 NYCCR 617.2; and further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby declares itself lead agency pursuant to SEQRA for the environmental review of said purchase of land; and further
RESOLVED, that the review will not be a coordinated review.
RESOLVED, that based upon on the information and analysis in the short environmental assessment form that the proposed action does not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts.
RESOLVED, that, the Town of Candor agrees to purchase that parcel for $30,000 subject to a permissive referendum.
R-14  Supervisor Riggs moved, seconded by Clm. Bish to adopt the above Resolution.  Vote:  Riggs-aye, Williams-aye, Strosahl-aye, Bish-aye and Lindsay-aye.

WHEREAS, Highway Law Section 142-C authorizes a town to remove snow and ice from village streets within a town;
WHEREAS, the cost of snow removal already spread over the entire town to include the Village of Candor;
THEREFORE, be it resolved that beginning immediately the Town will begin removing snow and ice from the Village of Candor streets until May 2013.
R-15  Supervisor Riggs moved, seconded by Clm. Williams to adopt the above resolution.  Vote:  Riggs-aye, Williams-aye, Strosahl-aye, Bish-aye and Lindsay-aye.

Supervisor Riggs tabled the discussion/approve proposal to have the Town take over street maintenance for the Village of Candor until September 25, 2012.

General Government claims on Abstract #9 for 2012, numbers 262-285 in the amount of $43,344.90 were audited by the Board.
Highway Claims on Abstract #9 for 2012, numbers 449-470 in the amount of $42,152.19 were audited by the Board.

M-86  Supervisor Riggs moved, seconded by Clm. Williams to go into Executive Session to discuss land purchase for the Town Barn and to discuss the status of Logan Hill Road lawsuit at 9:26pm.  Vote:  Riggs-aye, Williams-aye, Strosahl-aye, Bish-aye and Lindsay-aye.

M-87  Clm. Bish moved, seconded by Clm. Lindsay to come out of Executive Session at 10:30pm.

M-88  Clm. Bish moved, seconded by Clm. Lindsay to adjourn the Regular Town Board meeting at 10:31pm.

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